Here is our neighbor as we move away from the sun: Mars.
We once thought there were canals on its surface. Thanks to many space missions,
we know much more now, but mysteries still abound.
And the BIG BOSS of our solar system: Jupiter.
It has rings and LOTS of moons. Galileo discovered the four largest moons.
We used to think it was the only planet with rings: Saturn.
Talk about moons! Saturn now appears to be the king in that category.
However you pronounce it, it's mostly a big gas bag: Uranus.
More jokes have been made about this poor planet than any other!
A smaller, differently-colored gas bag: Neptune.
Cold, a long distance from us. And sometimes it is the ninth planet. If you
count Pluto.
Finally, the tiniest and most distant: Pluto.
Is Pluto a planet or an asteroid? Pluto and its moon Charon (shown in the
background of this image) have nearly the same mass, and therefore orbit each
other around a point between them.
Sometimes Pluto is the eighth planet because its odd, very elliptical orbit
crosses Neptune's orbit.