to my web page. My main
reason for having this page is to post MIDI music files which I have sequenced
(and now, associated MP3 and lyrics files as well), but I may post other stuff here as
well. Enjoy what is here, or if you don't find anything of interest, you can always
click away to somewhere else!
NOTE: As of 16 January 2017, this web site supersedes:
Bob's OLD Web Home -- (
----- That site should be inactive since June 2017. -----
MIDI files I have sequenced + MP3 + Lyrics
Wallpaper files
Miscellaneous Pictures
Miscellaneous Videos
A few old DOS games
Alternate typeface characters
An article on depression (**WARNING** Not pretty)
I like to hear from others. You can me here.
Note that my old e-mail ( will be disappearing soon!