O God of Loveliness =================== w: Unk; trans. by Rev. E. Vaughan, C. SS. R. m: "Schönster Herr Jesu" (modified by Nicola A. Montani) [Verse 1] O God of loveliness, O Lord of Heav'n above, How worthy to possess My heart's devoted love! So sweet Thy Countenance, So gracious to behold, That one, one only glance To Me were bliss untold. [Verse 2] Thou art blest Three in One, Yet undivided still; Thou art that One alone Whose love my heart can fill. The heav'ns and earth below, Were fashioned by Thy Word; How amiable art Thou, My everdearest Lord! [Verse 3] To think Thou art my God, O thought for ever blest! My heart has overflowed With joy within my breast. My soul so full of bliss Is plunged as in a sea, Deep in the sweet abyss Of holy charity. [Verse 4] O loveliness supreme, And Beauty infinite; O ever~flowing Stream, And Ocean of delight; O Life by which I live, My truest life above, To Thee alone I give My undivided love.