Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante (Mass of the Immigrants) - Gospel Acclamation ======================================================================== (English) ========= m: Bob Hurd, 1994, 2010 w: Bob Hurd, Jaime Cortez, Ana Victoria Demezas Piano acc. Dominic MacAller Choral arr. Craig Kingsbury Alleluya o Versfculo antes del Evangelio/Gospel Acclamation (English Lyrics) Alternate Verse [Refrain] - Cantor Aleluya, aleluya. Aleluya, aleluya. [Refrain] - All - Descant in parentheses Aleluya, (Aleluya,) aleluya. (aleluya.) Aleluya, (aleluya,) alelu(ale) ya.(luya.) [Verse] - Cantor I am the light of the world, says the Lord: whoever follows me will have the light of life. [Refrain] - Final - Descant in parentheses